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Английский Этимологический словарь - spiral


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- 1551, from M.Fr. spiral, from M.L. spiralis "winding, coiling," from L. spira "coil," from Gk. speira "coil, twist, wreath," from PIE *sper- "to turn, twist." The verb is from 1834.
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  ~1 adj in the form of a continuous line or curve that winds around a central point, moving further away from it all the time  (a spiral watch spring) - spirally adj ~2 n 1 a spiral curve 2 a process, usually a harmful one, in which something gradually but continuously rises, falls, gets worse etc  (Shipbuilding entered a spiral of decline. | upward/downward spiral)  (a vicious downward spiral of debt) 3 inflationary spiral a situation where wages and prices rise continuously because the level of inflation (1) is high ~3 v spiralled, spiralling BrE spiraled, spiraling AmE 1 always + adv/prep to move in a continuous curve that gets nearer to or further from its central point as it goes round + to/around etc  (The damaged plane spiralled to the ground.) 2 if debt or the cost of something spirals, it increases quickly and uncontrollably  (the spiraling cost of legal services) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (spirals, spiralling, spiralled) Note: in AM, use 'spiraling', 'spiraled' 1. A spiral is a shape which winds round and round, with each curve above or outside the previous one. N-COUNT • Spiral is also an adjective. ...a spiral staircase. ADJ: ADJ n 2. If something spirals or is spiralled somewhere, it grows or moves in a spiral curve. Vines spiraled upward toward the roof... A joss stick spiralled smoke. VERB: V adv/prep, V n, also V • Spiral is also a noun. Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge. N-COUNT 3. If an amount or level spirals, it rises quickly and at an increasing rate. Production costs began to spiral. ...a spiralling trend of violence... The divorce rate is spiralling upwards. VERB: V, V -ing, V adv/prep • Spiral is also a noun. ...an inflationary spiral. ...a spiral of debt. N-SING: with supp 4. If an amount or level spirals downwards, it falls quickly and at an increasing rate. House prices will continue to spiral downwards. VERB: V adv/prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Medieval Latin ~is, from Latin spira coil — more at spire  Date: 1551  1.  a. winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it the ~ curve of a watch spring  b. helical  c. ~-bound a ~ notebook  2. of or relating to the advancement to higher levels through a series of cyclical movements  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1656  1.  a. the path of a point in a plane moving around a central point while continuously receding from or approaching it  b. a three-dimensional curve (as a helix) with one or more turns about an axis  2. a single turn or coil in a ~ object  3. something having a ~ form as:  a. ~ galaxy  b.  (1) a ~ flight  (2) a kick or pass in which a football rotates on its long axis while moving through the air  4. a continuously spreading and accelerating increase or decrease wage ~s  III. verb  (-raled or -ralled; -raling or -ralling)  Date: 1834  intransitive verb to go and especially to rise or fall in a ~ course costs ~ed upward  transitive verb  1. to form into a ~  2. to cause to ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 winding about a centre in an enlarging or decreasing continuous circular motion, either on a flat plane or rising in a cone; coiled. 2 winding continuously along or as if along a cylinder, like the thread of a screw. --n. 1 a plane or three-dimensional spiral curve. 2 a spiral spring. 3 a spiral formation in a shell etc. 4 a spiral galaxy. 5 a progressive rise or fall of prices, wages, etc., each responding to an upward or downward stimulus provided by the other (a spiral of rising prices and wages). --v. (spiralled, spiralling; US spiraled, spiraling) 1 intr. move in a spiral course, esp. upwards or downwards. 2 tr. make spiral. 3 intr. esp. Econ. (of prices, wages, etc.) rise or fall, esp. rapidly (cf. sense 5 of n.). Phrases and idioms spiral balance a device for measuring weight by the torsion of a spiral spring. spiral galaxy a galaxy in which the matter is concentrated mainly in one or more spiral arms. spiral staircase a staircase rising in a spiral round a central axis. Derivatives spirality n. spirally adv. Etymology: F spiral or med.L spiralis (as SPIRE(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  спираль винтовая линия змеевик спиральная камера flat spiral ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) винтовой 2) витой 3) косозубчатый 4) спиралеобразный 5) спираль 6) спиральная линия 7) спиральный 8) улитка 9) улиткообразный continuous spiral similarity — непрерывное центрально-подобное вращение proper spiral point — правильный фокус spiral growth pattern — спираль роста - bifilar spiral - conical spiral - cornu spiral - double spiral - equiangular spiral - exponential spiral - fast spiral - flat spiral - golden spiral - helical spiral - hyperbolic spiral - lead-in spiral - logarithmic spiral - logistic spiral - loxodromic spiral - multiturn spiral - parabolic spiral - periodic spiral - reciprocal spiral - sinusoidal spiral - spherical spiral - spiral arc - spiral chute - spiral classifier - spiral coil - spiral descent - spiral four - spiral jaw clutch - spiral line - spiral micrometer - spiral motion - spiral of Archimedes - spiral of Cornu - spiral of Euler - spiral path - spiral point - spiral quad - spiral revolution - spiral screw - spiral spring - spiral surface - spiral wheel - steep spiral ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) эк. спираль, виток (постепенно ускоряющееся падение или повышение цен) 2) марк. спираль (эволюция процесса принятия товара рынком: опережение, конкуренция, защита доли рынка) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  спираль; спиральный – molecular spiral ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спираль low spiral —- передняя горизонтальная спираль "ласточка" (фигурное катание) 2. спираль, предмет спиральной формы heating spiral —- эл. нагревательный элемент 3. виток 4. астр. спиральная галактика, спираль 5. ав. снижение по спирали 6. эк. постепенно ускоряющееся падение или повышение (цен, зарплаты и т. п.) inflationary spiral —- инфляционная спираль wage-price spiral —- спираль (рост) заработной платы и цен 7. тех. змеевик 8. спиральный, винтовой, винтообразный spiral staircase —- винтовая лестница spiral drill —- спиральное сверло spiral galaxy —- астр. спиральная галактика spiral fracture —- мед. спиральный перелом (кости) spiral sweep —- мор. траление по спирали 9. мат. геликоидальный 10. закручивать в спираль 11. закручиваться в спираль 12. ав. снижаться по спирали 13. подниматься, расти (также spiral up) wisps of smoke spiraled (up) from the ashes —- из золы поднимались струйки дыма he is going to spiral up to being head of the department —- он намерен занять пост (вырасти до) заведующего отделом 14. эк. постепенно повышаться (о ценах и т. п.; также spiral up) costs spiraled upward —- себестоимость пошла вверх 15. вызывать постепенное повышение the war spiraled prices to new heights —- война привела к новому росту (уровня) цен 16. постепенно снижаться (об уровне цен и т. п.;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) спираль; heating spiral - нагревательный элемент  2) aeron. спиральный спуск  3) econ. постепенно ускоряющееся падение или повышение (цен, зарплаты и т.п.)  2. adj. спиральный, винтовой, винтообразный; spiral balance - пружинные весы, безмен ...
Англо-русский словарь


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